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hatha yoga

Yoga is about. "Asana" means "posture." This kind of position to reach your higher nature is a yogasana. There are other dimensions, but to put it in the simplest way, while watching someone one sitting, you can almost see what happens with him, if you knew enough time If you have you observed when you are angry, sit in a direction. if they are happy, sit addition, if you are depressed, you feel differently for each level of consciousness or mental and emotional situation that you go through different, your body has a natural tendency to assume certain positions. The opposite is the science of asanas. If you consciously get your body in different positions, you can increase your awareness.
Dedicate a certain amount of time and effort to see that the body does not become a significant barrier.
The body can become a means for spiritual growth and can become a major obstacle. Suppose a part of your body - your hand, leg or back, for example - is wrong. When it's bad, bad, is difficult to aspire to something higher, hatha yoga, as it becomes more important. Currently, if you have back problems, the greatest thing in the universe is your back pain. Others may not understand this, but the hatha yoga for the person who crosses it, this is the most important. Although God appears asking for your back pain to go! You will not ask for anything because the physical body has so much power over you. If not, you can eliminate all other aspirations of his life. What you want all your wishes when the body begins to remove bad - because look beyond carrying a huge amount of force, most people do not possess.
There are thousands of people who left column problems by simple asanas. The doctors had told them that will undoubtedly go through surgery, but never had to. Your back can be restored in excellent condition as you never have to go to a chiropractor. This is not just your spine is flexible; also becomes flexible. Once you are flexible, you are ready to listen, speak not only of a person; you are ready to listen to life. Learning to listen is the essence of a sensible life.
Dedicate a certain amount of time and effort hatha yoga to see that the body does not become a significant barrier. A painful body can become a major obstacle, and can not be a compulsive body. Simple compulsions, if the body itself or relief of lust, can be so strong that will not allow you to look beyond; the physical body becomes larger entity. The body is only a part of you; should not be all of you. You asanas level body in its natural place.
Hatha Yoga prepares the body
Another aspect of hatha yoga, when you want to move to deeper dimensions of meditation is that it allows a greater possibility of energy. If you want your energy comes, it is very important that the body of the pipe is correct. If it crashes, it will not work, or something will burst. Prepare the body enough before going to more intense forms of meditation is very important. Hatha yoga ensures that the body is soft and joy.
Hatha yoga does not mean bending the body, stand on your head, or hold your breath.
For many people, spiritual growth occurs very painful because the necessary preparation does not happen. Most unfortunately no longer live in a form of external situations and guide human condition. What is the wisdom of the world or the spiritual possibilities of hatha yoga, receiving the item only when hit by life. Even then, only a few hatha yoga become wise; others are injured. It is this ability to transform a potential source of injury in the wisdom that leads to a state of freedom. If we put in the necessary preparation hatha yoga, can be a very pleasant experience and the wonderful growth. But for most people in the world, growth is painful; Very few people grow up with happiness. Become a standard in the world that growth must be painful. It hatha yoga can be done with happiness, but because the body and mind have not been prepared, any changes that cause pain. So asanas prepare you for the growth and transformation in which equipped with a solid foundation hatha yoga.

Today, hatha yoga that people do not learn in its classic form, not in all its depth and dimension. Much of the "Yoga Studio" we see today is Hatha yoga unfortunately, the physical aspect of it. The whole teaching of physical aspect of yoga, it's like having a baby born dead. This is not only good, it's a tragedy. If you want a living process that needs to be taught a certain way.
Hatha yoga means not twist your body, standing on his head or hold your breath hatha yoga. There was a time where I teach hatha yoga personally as a two-day program. People burst of joy; tears of ecstasy would flow only doing asanas. So, yoga should be done. Unfortunately, hatha yoga in today's world brings peace to some, hatha yoga is healthier for others is a circus and painful for many.
Most yogis just use the simple hatha yoga postures to break the limits of what they are. That's all I learned when I was eleven years - some simple postures. It's just the way it is what makes the difference.