It is a trinity of being in all that exists:biblical dream symbols tehillah in every person there is a will, the thought of the will, and then put the thought into action. On a biblical dream symbols tehillah more universal sense, this is a trinity of love, truth and utility. There is no love without truth and truth without love, and marriage or union between love and the truth is in the utility. In philosophical terms, this is called end, cause and effect - the final itself is intended own or love, the cause of the manifestation of his love is the thought of one, and the effect is action. This philosophy at work can be applied to promote the initiative with the slogan "see, own, make" to see is to see a problem, to biblical dream symbols tehillah own is to take responsibility for the problem, you have to do is take measures to solve the problem. Portrayed by another teaching called "Steps to Knowledge" that is to see, think and act.
What I just described is drawn from many different sources of information, however, they all say the same thing, because the truth is universal. A source biblical dream symbols tehillah is the revelations in the writings of Emanuel Sweden. If a doctrine does not apply to life, is not it. If a theory can not be implemented, it must be rejected. In the biblical dream symbols tehillah spiritual life, there is no such thing as one belief and creed which does not lead to good works must also be rejected.
For example, this "trinity of being" can be seen in the world of plants:
"The case is similar in the vegetable kingdom,biblical dream symbols tehillah every tree and every floor intimately hides an effort to produce fruit or seeds, but this effort can not manifest until you have produced any means the first to namely,biblical dream symbols tehillah branches, leaves and flowers, which produce, then the effort is there. "(Heavenly Arcane,)
The commitment and effort biblical dream symbols tehillah is the purpose or intent, the medium is the cause and effect is the act.